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Skill Dikshant Samorah 2024, NSTI Mumbai 

3rd Dikshant Samaroh 2024


NSTI Building Entrance
NSTI Mumbai Building Entrance

The training programmes are so designed by identifying the industrial needs of mechanical, electrical, electronics and chemical sectors by our officers in consultation with industry experts and individualsthrough level structured training programme so that at the end all trainees will be competent enough with the skills acquired that are required for the wage and self employment.  In our endeavour, the training needs of micro, small, medium and large enterprises both in Government and private sectors are continuously availing the benefits.  Hence it is requested to go through the training calendar and explore the possibility of utilising our facility and services for further knowledge and skill enhancement of your workforce either through short term, long term or customised training for your esteemed organisations and be a party committed to Hon’ble Prime Minister’s vision of “Make in India” to popularise Indian products in global markets.

The short-term and long-term courses are conducted by the Institute, which has completed 60 glorious years in skill building for our nation. The technical know-how and expertise of this Institute have been utilized by many industrial establishments, institutions, and organizations to achieve higher qualitative production, and their existing workforce is continuously deputed for retraining and skill gap training.

The training programs are designed by our officers in consultation with industry experts and individuals by identifying the industrial needs of the mechanical, electrical, electronics, and chemical sectors. The training faculty of the institute is experts who possess vast experience and are trained in the latest technology in the relevant field in India and abroad. The training programs are structured through level structured training programs so that all trainees will be competent enough with the skills acquired that are required for wage and self-employment.

The benefits of the training needs of micro, small, medium and large enterprises both in the Government and private sectors are continuously availed at the National Skill Training Institute.


Faculty & Staff



Digital PLatform


Contact details

Contact No.: 022-24053560
Email Id:                                             nsti-mumbai@dgt.gov.in
Office Time: Monday to Friday
                      9 AM to 5.30 PM




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